Absentee Voting in District 3 Run-Off Oct. 7th
Despite the difficulty of voting, please, please go do so in the run-off election on October 7th. There were barely 4,800 ballots cast in August.
Despite the difficulty of voting, please, please go do so in the run-off election on October 7th. There were barely 4,800 ballots cast in August.
A young man in school with Mrs. Rooker's kids, "I really like Mrs. Rooker. She's in our school helping us out all the time." Out of the mouths of babes . . .
Wardynski is a part of a well organized, well funded movement that is seeking to destroy public education in America. And only parents stand in his way.
If you don't care enough to attend the school board meetings on your own time, you don't deserve to be paid to attend the meetings.